Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Village Ignored by the Coronavirus

Far from Covid-19 hot spots, my neighbors and I endured France’s rigid lockdown rules. We weren’t all sure it was worth it. VIALAS, France — I’m spending the coronavirus lockdown in this tiny village in southern France.

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8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody

The Times has reconstructed the death of George Floyd on May 25. Security footage, witness videos and official documents show how a series of actions by officers turned fatal.

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India rejects Walmart-owned Flipkart’s proposed foray into food retail business

The Indian government has rejected Flipkart’s proposal to enter the food retail business in a setback for Walmart, which owns majority of the Indian e-commerce firm and which recently counted its business in Asia’s third-largest economy as one of the worst impacted by the global coronavirus pan

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Sends Two Million Hydroxychloroquine Doses to Brazil

The two countries are studying whether the drug is safe and effective for the prevention and early treatment of Covid-19. And protests in the United States have sparked fears of spreading the virus.

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Singapore’s micromobility startup Beam raises $26 million

Beam, a Singapore-headquartered micromobility firm that offers shared e-scooters, has raised $26 million in a new financing round as it looks to expand its footprint in Korea, Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Taiwan.

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Michigan Sheriff Took Off His Helmet and Marched With Protesters

Sheriff Christopher R. Swanson of Genesee County walked with demonstrators protesting police brutality and the death of George Floyd. Sheriff Christopher R. Swanson of Genesee County in Michigan stood before a crowd of protesters on Saturday.

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Will Protests Set Off a Second Viral Wave?

Across the country, mayors, public health experts and other officials worry that even though many protesters are wearing masks, the risk of new coronavirus cases will increase as thousands gather.

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Amid Riots and a Pandemic, Church Attendance Resumes in ‘a Very Broken World’

In communities across the country, congregations that had sequestered for months to avoid the coronavirus ventured forth at a social distance in search of comfort.

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Aggressive Police Tactics During Protests Are Under Scrutiny

Videos showed officers using batons, tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets on protesters and bystanders.

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As Protests and Violence Spill Over, Trump Shrinks Back

The president spent Sunday out of sight, berating opponents on Twitter, even as some of his campaign advisers were recommending that he deliver a televised address to an anxious nation. WASHINGTON — Inside the White House, the mood was bristling with tension.

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Police Cars Rammed Protesters. What de Blasio’s Response Tells Us.

The mayor has cultivated an image of fighting against inequality and police abuses, yet this crisis has challenged him more than ever.

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Many Claim Extremists Are Sparking Protest Violence. But Which Extremists?

President Trump has accused antifa of inciting violence while some mayors and governors say there are signs that white supremacists are to blame.

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Destructive Power of Despair

The protests are not necessarily about Floyd’s killing in particular, but about the savagery and carnage that his death represents. Despair has an incredible power to initiate destruction.

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Record Ratings and Record Chaos on Cable News

Cable networks are facing threats, and opportunities, in a national crisis. Now, Fox is fighting back and CNBC is looking to the right. CNN is defined by Jeff Zucker, and he may run for mayor.

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What Trump and Toxic Cops Have in Common

It’s us versus them. In his first Inaugural Address, and hopefully his last, Donald Trump talked about American carnage. He got it this week.

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The Women of Ukraine's Railroads Keep the Trains Running

The under-sung heroes of the country's rail system keep vigilant watch from colorful mini-castles.

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How to Add a Weighted Vest to Your Workouts at Home

Why the weighted exercise vest is the best piece of home workout gear you're not using.

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A Taylor Swift, 'Killing Eve' Mystery Tops This Week's Internet News Roundup

Last week, social media did some sleuthing to figure out who recorded a haunting cover of the singer's “Look What You Made Me Do” for the BBC America show.

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The Top U.S. Coronavirus Hot Spots Are All Indian Lands

CHINLE, Ariz. — The Navajo Nation is a vast, awe-inspiring land of desert crags and canyons, the largest reservation in the country, but today it reverberates with grief and fear. The Navajo have had more people infected with the coronavirus per capita than any state in the country.

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What Birds Do for Us and What We Can Do for Them

We want to return to our lives and livelihoods without sacrificing the natural world that supports us in body and in spirit. Ms. Ackerman is the author, most recently, of “The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think.”

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Watch: Nasa and SpaceX lift-off - BBC News

Two Nasa astronauts have launched into orbit on a rocket and capsule system provided by Elon Musk's company SpaceX. Doug Hurley's and Bob Behnken's Dragon capsule left Earth atop its Falcon-9 rocket exactly on time, after the first attempt three days earlier had to be aborted because of weather con

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Covid-19 Is History’s Biggest Translation Challenge

Services like Google Translate only support 100 languages, give or take. What about the thousands of other languages—spoken by people just as vulnerable to this crisis?

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How to Take Your Work Offline in Case of an Emergency

Internet outages, blackouts, and other accidents can make working from home more complicated. Here's how to protect yourself.

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Want to Fix Urban Sprawl? Ditch the Cul-de-Sac

Streets arranged in grids, with few dead-ends, encourage walking and transit. But in developing countries, growing cities are taking the opposite route.

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George Floyd Protests Live Updates: Fury and Frustration in Cities Across U.S.

Police cars were set ablaze, stores were looted and fires raged in at least 75 cities as mayors declared curfews and the National Guard was deployed. Protests also reached the gates of the White House.

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Two Crises Convulse a Nation: A Pandemic and Police Violence

They are parallel plagues ravaging America: The coronavirus. And police killings of black men and women. Jimmy Mills’s life has been upended by both. His barbershop in Midtown Minneapolis was one of many small, black-owned businesses that have struggled to survive the pandemic. But Mr.

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What Time Is the SpaceX Arrival at the Space Station? How to Watch

On Saturday, two NASA astronauts, Robert L. Behnken and Douglas G. Hurley, were launched into orbit atop a SpaceX rocket. It was the first time the private company, founded by the billionaire Elon Musk, had ever launched humans into space.

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Black Americans Have a Message for Democrats: Not Being Trump Is Not Enough

Joe Biden wants to heal the soul of the country in this moment of protest and loss, and win the White House. Simply telling people to vote in November may not help with either goal. COLUMBIA, S.C. — In an on-camera address after a week of destructive protests, former vice president Joseph R.

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Tenants Stay Current on Rent, for Now

Collections have been surprisingly strong through the pandemic, but there are troubling signs — for landlords and tenants alike. Since April, landlords have looked to the first of the month fearing that tenants will stop paying their rent. For the most part, that has not happened. Despite a 14.

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The Drive-In Theater: Keeping Drama Alive During the Lockdown

Czech theater companies couldn’t perform onstage during the early phases of the pandemic. So they took over a parking lot.

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George Floyd, Hong Kong, SpaceX: Your Weekend Briefing

Here are the week’s top stories, and a look ahead. 1. Outrage over the death of George Floyd has incited a wave of demonstrations and unrest across the country.

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Falling Into the Gap Year

With next semester a question mark, more graduating high school seniors are considering deferring college. But what will they do instead? It was only November when Hannah Book, 18, a high school student in Bryn Mawr, Pa., was accepted to her first choice, Emory College in Atlanta.

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Why Major Sports Might Risk Comebacks During the Pandemic

After months of pessimism, the biggest sports leagues have made a flurry of announcements about plans to return. What changed? Once more, the pronouncements arrived in a torrent, though this time they were about rebirth rather than cancellation.

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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Coronavirus Live Updates: G7 Summit Is Postponed

President Trump made the announcement after Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said she would not be able to attend the meeting of world leaders next month in the U.S., citing the pandemic.

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A Reporter’s Cry on Live TV: ‘I’m Getting Shot! I’m Getting Shot!’

From a television crew assaulted by protesters to a photographer struck in the eye, journalists have found themselves targeted on the streets of America. Linda Tirado, a freelance photographer, activist and author, was shot in the left eye Friday while covering the street protests in Minneapolis.

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George Floyd Protests: A Timeline

Demonstrators in Minneapolis and across the country have poured into the streets since George Floyd died in police custody. Here’s how the protests have unfolded. After the death of George Floyd on Monday, protests and unrest have rocked Minneapolis.

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‘They’re Just Doing Whatever They Want’: Few Masks Are Seen as Beach Town Reopens

As businesses in the Maryland town of Ocean City try to enforce mask wearing, they are finding some visitors unwilling to comply. OCEAN CITY, Md.

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Trump Hopes for His Own Booster Shot from SpaceX Rocket Launch

The president, beleaguered by a pandemic, economic troubles and racial unrest, viewed the liftoff as a welcome moment of triumph that he celebrated with a campaign rally-style speech. KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla.

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11 of Our Best Weekend Reads

The Central Park bird watcher speaks. A re-examination of the chopstick. Farewell, Larry Kramer. Face-timing Pamela Anderson. And more. Welcome to the weekend. It’s been a hard week.

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Friday, May 29, 2020

Atlanta Protesters Clash With Police as Mayor Warns ‘You Are Disgracing Our City’

Protesters broke windows and set fire to cars after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Protests emerged in many U.S. cities.

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Protests Flare in Brooklyn Over Floyd Death as de Blasio Appeals for Calm

Demonstrators stormed the perimeter of Barclays Center, hurling bottles and debris at police officers, who responded with tear gas and mace.

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Supreme Court, in 5-4 Decision, Rejects Church’s Challenge to Shutdown Order

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday turned away a request from a church in California to block enforcement of state restrictions on attendance at religious services. The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s four-member liberal wing to form a majority.

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Ex-Officer Charged in Death of George Floyd in Minneapolis

The former officer, Derek Chauvin, 44, was taken into custody on charges that carry a combined maximum 35-year sentence. Mr. Chauvin kept his knee planted even as the man, George Floyd, told all four officers involved in his arrest that he could not breathe. At times, Mr.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: As U.S. Cities Ease Restrictions, Other Nations Backslide

Cases are soaring in India, but its already-eased lockdown may end on Sunday. President Trump said the United States would end its relationship with the W.H.O. The U.S. Supreme Court, splitting 5-4, rejected a California church’s challenge to public gathering restrictions.

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Testing Is Key to Beating Coronavirus, Right? Japan Has Other Ideas

The country has reported fewer deaths than other major nations and ended a state of emergency even while maintaining a low testing rate. But Japan went its own way, limiting tests to only the most severe cases as other countries raced to screen as many people as possible.

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Special Episode: The Latest From Minneapolis

Subscribe:transcriptbars0:00/18:01-0:00More episodes ofThe DailyMay 30, 2020  •  18:01Special Episode: The Latest From MinneapolisMay 29, 2020One Hundred Thousand LivesMay 28, 2020  •  28:01Space Travel, PrivatizedMay 27, 2020  •  32:53Can the Postal Service Survive the Pandemic?May 2

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Leaving the W.H.O. Shows Poor Leadership

America should be demanding answers, not retreating. Mr. Hurd is a member of Congress from Texas.

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George Floyd Updates: Minneapolis Is Under Curfew as Protests Continue Nationwide

Derek Chauvin, a white former police officer, was charged with murder days after using his knee to pin down George Floyd, a black man who later died. Protesters in Minneapolis were peacefully defying an 8 p.m. curfew.

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‘Facing the Darkest Hour’: Hong Kong’s Protest Movement in Crisis

As the Chinese government’s grip tightens, protesters are debating how and why to keep fighting, or whether resistance is even possible.

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Blaming China for Pandemic, Trump Says U.S. Will Leave the W.H.O.

America’s decades-long relationship with the organization has been instrumental in improving health around the world.

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Amid unprecedented growth on its platform, Acorns cuts roles and shuts down an office

Acorns, which helps millions of people invest their spare change in the stock market, has laid off between 50 to 70 people, TechCrunch has learned from multiple sources. The Irvine, Calif.

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George Floyd Was Pinned Down for Nearly 3 Minutes After He Became Unresponsive, Prosecutors Say

A statement of probable cause used to support charges against a former Minneapolis police officer detailed the minutes before Mr. Floyd’s death. The former Minneapolis police officer charged in the death of George Floyd held his knee to Mr.

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New York City, Battered by Outbreak, Finally Moves Toward Reopening

As many as 400,000 people could return to work starting June 8, the possible first stage of the city’s recovery after two months of isolation and economic woes.

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‘The Pain Is Too Intense’: Biden Challenges White Americans

In his first formal remarks on the death of a black Minneapolis man, Joseph Biden spoke in stark terms about the everyday indignities African-Americans still suffer. WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

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How the Supreme Court Lets Cops Get Away With Murder

The courts protected police abuses for years before George Floyd’s death. It’s time to rethink “qualified immunity.” The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values.

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America Is a Tinderbox

Scenes from a country in free fall. The last two and a half months in America have felt like the opening montage in a dystopian film about a nation come undone. First the pandemic hit and hospitals in New York City were overwhelmed.

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